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I spoke with my Aunt Karen, my fathers youngest sister, our matriarch. I had not seen her since I was a very little girl. Due to my parents divorce we had lost touch until I was an adult with kids of my own. We had began chatting online, exchanging emails and finally phone calls. I felt a really big need to see her and soon! An intuition thing! Don and I talked and decided a trip was in order.
My best friend had moved across country to North Carolina. Aunt Karen lived in Michigan.My sister Kristen had moved to Ohio. Not exactly close to each other so we needed to think about who we were going to see, and how exactly we were going to get there.
We talked about flying. And renting a car to drive from place to place. Then we thought about it more. Lol. Rental cars in the past had not always been exactly what we desired and we had purchased a new Mazda CX-5 earlier in the year for camping and comfort. Hmmmm. It’s new and comfy. We began discussing the possibility of a road trip. If we went before winter set in it could work. Hmmmm.
We started looking at the google maps but we really needed a map we could spread open and look at all the roads across the USA. Oh, did I mention our start point was near Seattle?
So we checked Amazon for a good road atlas ( see photo of what we had on hand) and a foldable USA maps. Two days later we received it (gotta love Prime!) and the possibilities became endless. As we looked at the map that now covered the dining table, we realized just how many places we would be traveling through to get to the destinations we had already talked about. The USA is really big with so many choices of highways and byways!
By the way Alexa is great way to ask for mileage and driving time between cities, and get an instant answer.
Our Great USA Road Trip was born.